Nocturnal Bloom

Like many astrophotographers, the Rosette Nebula holds a special attraction for me; it’s size, details and colours produce a perfect narrowband target.  I revisited the old favourite again this year for the fourth time since 2015 (+2017 & 2018), in an attempt to capture even better its unique and dynamic beauty using newer equipment, skills, and techniques.

Located approximately 5,000 light-years away, this vast cloud of gas and dust has been sculpted into a distinctive rose-like shape.  The central star cluster (NGC 2237) has blown-away a large hole within the surrounding molecular cloud (NGC 2244), which all together is some 1.7 degrees or 150 light-years in diameter.  Numerous star-producing dark Bok globules are visible along the upper-left, central quadrant of the nebula, collectively referred to as the “Carnival of Animals”.

The skies this winter have been poor and, as a result, imaging possibilities have been very limited. However, over five nights from January to March I was eventually able to obtain 9-hours of Ha, OIII and SII integration time which, moreover, produced a good data set of 10-minute exposures.

I’m very pleased with the final SHO image (top of the page), which successfully displays the intricate details and colours that arise from the aforesaid make-up and processes that makes the nebula so popular.  Furthermore, experimenting with an HSS palette produced an alternative and exciting image of this rose of night sky (see above), that might be even more in-keeping with its given moniker.  All-in-all, despite this year’s difficulties I’m satisfied that I gave the Rosette my best shot, which is definitely a cut above my previous attempts – though I fully expect to return again in a few years seeking further improvements.


2023 The Year In Pictures

This Christmas marks the 10th edition of my astrophotography calendar, consisting of my better images from the previous 12-months, which I produce for myself and members of the family.  Wow doesn’t time fly? Based on these images, I also compile a video of the images set to music, which we all watch together before seeing the actual calendar.  It’s become something of an occasion and is a great way to present the images, which look wonderful on today’s smart TV’s and is fun to watch and share with the family.


Much longer imaging times (total of more than 145 hours), re-imaging old favourites in new ways and unusual, overlooked, or difficult objects, resulted in a very good 2023 astrophotography year and perhaps the best calendar yet?  The calendar for 2024 on YouTube can be viewed by clicking HERE and below is a brief overview of each image.  More detailed background information and imaging details for those interested can be found in relevant blogs I posted on this website.  The background music is the track Appleshine from Underworld’s album Drift.

 COVERSH2-284: Close-up of April’s image – along the inside of the ring structure are many dark dust pillars and globules, which on the right seem to resemble a hand with a bony finger pointing inwards!  
JANUARYNGC 1333: Nestled within the western area of the Perseus Molecular Cloud, some 1,100 light-years from Earth is the colourful NGC 1333 reflection nebula, one of the closest and most active star-forming regions of the night-sky.  
FEBRUARY  Spaghetti Nebula: Straddling the boundary of Taurus and Auriga constellations, is the giant supernova remnant (SNR) Simeis-147.  The stellar explosion occurred 40,000 years ago, leaving a rapidly spinning neutron star or pulsar at the core of the now complex and the expanding SNR.  
MARCHAurora Borealis: Situated just below the Arctic Circle, Iceland is well known both for its geology and views of the Aurora Borealis, which we saw in March on the south coast near Kirkjubaejarkklaustur.  
APRILSH2-284: A star-forming region of dust and gases, sculpted by radiation and interstellar winds emanating from a young (3 to 4 million years) star cluster located near the centre.       
MAYM3 Globular Cluster*: Consisting of 500,000 stars and over 11 billion years old, M3 is one of150 globular clusters that orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy.  
JUNEM27 Apple Core Nebula*: A planetary nebula, consisting of a glowing shell of ionized gas ejected from a red giant star in its late stage of life to become a white dwarf. Complex hydrogen (red) and oxygen (blue) fans form around the outer regions, with a pulsar-like beam transecting the nebula.  
JULYMonkey Head Nebula: Located 6,400 light years from Earth in the Orion constellation, the ‘Monkey’ is a so-called emission nebula, where new stars are being created within at a rapid rate.  
AUGUSTSH2-115: This widefield image contains a richness of various emission nebulae, centred around the distinctive large blue SH2-115 region.  Just to the left of SH2-115 is the small but enigmatic SH2-116 a faint, blue disc thought to be a planetary nebula.    
SEPTEMBERLDN-768 Black Cat Nebula: Close to M27 in the constellation of Vulpecula (“Little Fox”), is a dense region of stars broken-up by dark nebulae to create intriguing shapes. Here strung out from left-to-right, several of the dark nebulae seem to coalesce (visually) to create the form of a black cat.
OCTOBERSH2-126 Great Lacerta Nebula: On the western edge of the Milky Way in the southern part of Lacerta, is the very large but faint emission nebula SH2-126.  The red filament structures stretch over 3 degrees, to the right is the Gecko Nebula, a molecular cloud associated with bright young stars.
NOVEMBERFlaming Star & Tadpoles Nebula: Two emission nebulae: dust & gas of the Flaming Star (below) combined with red ionized hydrogen gas produces a flame affect. Above, the stellar winds and radiation pressure from hot massive stars creates the Tadpoles ‘wriggling’ away from the centre.
DECEMBERM51 Whirlpool Galaxy*: As the smaller galaxy passes behind M51, joint gravitational forces are interacting, resulting in the misalignment of stars and unusually bright blue and pink areas across the Whirlpool galaxy. Their fates are inextricably linked and might eventually merge.
                 Footnote: All images taken from Redhill, Surrey or telescope at a dark sky site in
          New Mexico, USA shown by an asterisk*

The Black Cat, Fox & Umbrella

Two months past the summer solstice in late August, shortly after the new moon, I was drawn to the constellation of Vulpecula (Latin for “little fox) and an interesting region of reflection and dark nebulae that provide good imaging possibilities.  In particular, a vast area of stars in which the contrasting dark nebulae create some intriguing shapes.

At the centre of the resulting image, strung out from east to west (left to right), several of the dark nebulae seem to coalesce (visually) to create the form of a black cat: LDN 773, 774, 769 & 768; an alternative interpretation is that of the Loch Ness Montser.  Further enhancing the image, the cat is adorned by two large, bright orange stars near its head and within the ‘body’ to the right, several various reflection nebulae created by hot blue stars (VdB 126 / LBN 133 & 134 etc.). 


Moreover, above the cat’s head another group of dark nebula form what I’d describe as a furled umbrella (LDN 781, 782, 783 & 779).  Finally, towards the lower right edge of the image (below the cat’s rear leg) is the open star cluster of NGC 6793.

Apart from its obvious beauty, the inspiration for this image was my four-year old granddaughter who just loves cats – especially her own one-eyed black cat! 

Monkey Business

Constellation names mostly originated from ancient Middle Eastern, Greek, and Roman cultures, when they identified groups of stars and named them after their gods, goddesses, animals, and objects that were important to them.  Other world-wide groups and throughout time – Native American, Asian, and African – have also made and named similar pictures from star groups based on their cultures and related beliefs.  Given the number of stars observed when looking up into a clear dark sky, it is obviously helpful to ‘construct’ familiar patterns and adopt memorable names, which can then be used to identify areas of the sky in a way that can be easily identified by all.  I have no problem with this long and well-established convention, which despite their antiquity works just as well in the modern world but I do have an issue with nicknames.

I’ve smiled at some of the nicknames given to popular, usually deep sky objects that have been well established by astronomers, but despite the possible use of describing their form, I am increasingly finding them a distraction when considering the merit of astrophotography images: Seagull Nebula, Running Man Nebula, Pelican Nebula etc.  The problem is that they absolutely do look like the object they’re meant to depict but, like an earworm is to music, once seen they are difficult to view any other way.

With this partly in mind, for the first time in seven years I recently chose to image NGC 2174 again.  I previously used the William Optics GT81 with a modded Canon 550D DSLR camera, which resulted in an image that wasn’t too bad, except it looked like a monkey!  Given its nickname of the Monkey Head Nebula, this was to be expected but unfortunately, thereafter the picture of a monkey has remained with me ever since when I view NGC 2174 images.  The challenge on this occasion was therefore to limit the monkey’s impact on the image, thereby showing the object for what it really is – an emission nebula.

Using the same OTA but with a mono CMOS camera and a good set of filters, the new data set obtained was much improved, and with better processing experience it was time to see the monkey (or not) in a new light.  The first thing to do was present the image in an orientation that produces a more favourable perspective (less monkey like).  Using a basic SHO palette in PixInsight the initial image was promising (see below) but with an alternative PixelMath dynamic SHO palette* and then processing with autocolor script, color saturation, Russell Croman’s XT-suites and other tweaks, I was pleased to see that the monkey was nowhere to be seen in the final image (see image at the top-of-the-page), or at least to my eye.

At last, it is now possible to look at NGC 2147 and see the inherent features of this interesting emission nebula, where new stars are being born at a rapid rate. Moreover, the inner details can now be clearly viewed within, thus also showing the associated open star cluster NGC 2175 and more.  As a result of this monkey make-over, the NGC 2174 image now not only looks much better but critically, I no can longer see the ape!  Now where’s that Seagull?

ObjectNGC 2174
Distance6,400 light-years
Size 40 arc secs
Apparent Magnitude+6.80  
Scope William Optics GT81 + Focal Reducer FL 382 mm f4.72
MountSW AZ-EQ6 GT + EQASCOM computer control & Cartes du Ciel
GuidingWilliam Optics 50mm guide scope
 + Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2 camera & PHD2 guiding
CameraZWO ASI294MM CMOS sensor
 FOV 2.87o x 1.96o Resolution 2.50”/pix  Max. image size 4,144 x 2,822 pix   
EFWZWOx8 EFW & 31mm Chroma HSO & LRGB filters 
Capture & ProcessingAstro Photography Tool + PHD2 + Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight v1.8.9-1, Photoshop CS3
Image Location              & OrientationCentre = RA 6:09:39.801      DEC +20:29:12.851                         Right = North        Up = East     
*Image PI Processing: Dynamic Pixel Math  R = (O^~O)*S+~(O^~O)*H
G = ((O*H)^~(O*H))*H+~((O*H)^~(O*H))*O
B = O
ExposuresHa 36 x 300 sec (3hr), OIII 30 x 300 sec (2hr 30m), SII 32 x 300 sec (2hr 40m) Total Integration Time: 8hr 10 min     
 @ 120 Gain   30 Offset @ -15oC    
Calibration5 x 300 sec Darks  15 x  HSO Flats & Dark Flats         @ ADU 32,000
Location & DarknessFairvale Observatory – Redhill – Surrey – UK        Typically Bortle 5-6
Date & Time25th + 26th February + 2nd March 2023 @ +19.00h  
WeatherApprox. < 3oC   RH >=65%                  🌙 +25 to +50%

Reflections 2018

Reflections is a summary of my astronomy and astrophotography during the past year, plus some thoughts about what might happen in going forwards.  In some ways it’s a bit of a chore to compile but as it provides me with some perspective on what I’ve achieved year-to-year, I do find it to be a worthwhile exercise.

Watch This Space (Man) started in 2015 as a personal record of my astronomy journey. Notwithstanding, the blog has so far attracted 15,000 views from all over the world, including various locations in 64 countries over the past year (see map below for visitors in 2018).   I do like to hear from anybody out there – comments, questions, help or just to say hello  – and can be contacted via details in the ABOUT menu section or alternatively  just leave a comment on any item if you prefer.


WTSM Map 2018


I’m always tinkering with the website where apart from the main blog, there are also links to other astrophotographers, astronomy tools, astronomy weather, scientific papers etc.,  so even if you’re a regular visitor please take a look around from time-to-time.  Looking back I see I did not file any reports this year  under the new Astrobites section, on the other hand look out for more notable occasional image that now appears in the right-hand column under the heading Screenshot, which this year included: the Eskimo Nebula, Jupiter, the Moon & Jupiter in conjunction and Venus etc.         

Whilst there is a photo gallery of my work, for a more summary view of some of my better images there’s a FLICKR album link which is accessible from the GALLERY menu.  Following the change to mono imaging techniques in 2017, for reference each image is now accompanied by a detailed tabulation of the technical information; personally I find this information invaluable when looking at other astrophotographer’s images as a guide to settings and issues when imaging the same object myself for the first time.

Reflections Banner

Overview, Images & Goals for 2019

Since getting to grips with autoguiding in 2017, I’m pleased to say all the basic processes worked well throughout 2018, resulting in a marked improvement of individual image subs.  Long imaging times are difficult to achieve in the UK with poor skies being the norm but the successful adoption of Plate Solving this year marked a very significant breakthrough and holds great promise for ever longer integration times in the future.  Re-configuring the equipment and operating set-up in 2017 now enables operating from indoors most of the time, which apart from improving working conditions, has also made operating itself much more efficient.

I’m especially pleased that after more than 4-years astrophotography I finally manged to establish a new imaging location at the bottom of the garden this year, thereby for the first time enabling imaging of the north sky, literally opening up a new world!  For another perspective I was also fortunate to experience some excellent night skies in New Zealand, France and Cornwall during the year, which was great fun and led to some excellent images too (see 2018 CHRONICLE later in this blog).

Favourite Images

Apart from the odd DSLR shot of the night sky, my astrophotography at Fairvale Observatory in 2018 was entirely carried out with the ZWO1600MM-Cool mono CMOS sensor camera & EFW, combined with the William Optics GT81 scope, in both narrowband and broadband wavelengths.  The new camera has in every sense been a game changer and a lot more work but, in my opinion, the images this year show substantial improvement.  I also made progress using more complex processing techniques in Photoshop and improved colour and detail by combining Ha with LRGB or adding RGB and narrowband wavelengths.  With these advances I submitted a number of images to the British Astronomical Association which, I’m pleased to say, were chosen for publication on their website at various times throughout the year (see Astroimaging Record 2018 at end of blog for details).

A few of my personal favourites are shown below, in no particular order:


M74 Phantom Galaxy (HaLRGB)


Rosette Nebula (HaOO) 

M13 LRGB Close-up

M13 Great Globular Cluster of Hercules (LRGB) 

Sombrero Galaxy

M104 Sombrero Galaxy (LRGB)

HHOO hlvg (Large)

Heart Nebula (HaOO)

RGB2 GxFinalX (Large)

M45 Pleiades (LRGB)


Goal Specifics / Results Outcome
Improve broadband and narrowband imaging


Improved understanding and use of the ZWO1600MM-Cool mono camera leading to better subs.  Major breakthrough with Plate Solving enabling a significant increase in image integration times and overall quality. MUCH BETTER



Improve processing Continuing to make improvements and achieving noticeably better narrowband images but with more work to do in broadband. Much greater use of various Photoshop techniques is improving detail, colours and final quality. BETTER



Expand & Improve Widefield Imaging Despite some good images of the Milky Way in the UK and NZ I barely used the Vixen Polarie tracking mount and did not make it to any dark sky sites in the UK. FAILED



I think it helps to set new goals each year, so here goes for 2019:

  • Imaging: (i) There’s lots of scope to improve imaging techniques but probably most of all I now need to improve guiding quality and then increase exposure and image integration times further. (ii) Start mosaic imaging using Plate Solving.
  • Improve processing: Despite progress, I expect this will continue to be a major challenge for some time to come. Working with Olly Penrice in France and using Steve Richards’ new book Dark Art or Magic Bullet provided lots of opportunities to learn more but I’m still considering a move to new software for pre- and post-processing – we shall see.
  • Other: (i) Widefield imaging – Since acquiring the Vixen Polarie two years ago I’ve done little more than dabble in the occasional night sky shot. Maybe just set my sights lower this year and just see what happens! (ii) Do more observing – I had been thinking of getting something bigger like a Dob for observing whilst imaging is underway but frankly now thinking just do a bit more when I can with what I’ve got.  (iii) Notwithstanding weather issues at Les Granges observatory in France, get back to at least one good dark sky site next year.

I’m very pleased to say 2018 was again very good year for astrophotography, almost certainly my best yet, which was especially defined by two positive developments that are already transforming my astrophotography and hold further promise in 2019 (I said the same last year but it’s true):

  • Starting to Plate Solve has opened up whole new possibilities, in particular: Meridian flips and multiple imaging over different nights; Mosaic imaging.
  • Fairvale Observatory South – The ability to see and image the north sky from the new location expands imaging possibilities very significantly – should have done it sooner.

You can’t ask for more than that and hope that WTSM’s Reflections 2019 will record further such success.

Watch this space!

wtsm logo


Below is a quarter by quarter summary of my astronomy and astrophotography for the year 2018, followed by an imaging record.  It’s interesting but not surprising that I recorded about 50% less objects than in the previous year but, as explained, integration times have increased markedly – “never mind the width, feel the quality”!


The year started with a new perspective on astronomy – upside down!  A six week trip to New Zealand over the Christmas period produced some wonderful views of the night sky in the Southern Hemisphere. Using my basic DSLR and a GorillaPod, I was able to obtain some good images of the Milky Way, accompanied by the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, which are unseen in the Northern Hemisphere.  New Zealand’s weather conditions and terrain also produced opportunities to see various noctilucent cloud formations, particularly on South Island (below).

IMG_9102 (Large)

Being Down Under for much of January I was unable to start astroimaging until February but it was worth the wait, which resulted in an excellent narrowband image of the Rosette Nebula with which to start the year .  From the experience and advice gained in 2017, in narrowband I now tend to stretch each Ha-OII-SII wavelength more aggressively prior to post-processing and, as a result, obtain better detail and contrast.  In this case the resulting HaOO version of the Rosette (see Favourite Images section above) was particularly good and for the first time was included on the British Astronomy Association’s website 🙂


Since obtaining the ZWO1600MM-Cool mono camera narrowband imaging has been nothing less than a revelation to me.  Whilst tone mapping using the Hubble Palette produces quite spectacular and colourful results, applying the aforementioned stretching to the just the stacked Ha-wavelength subs can often result in equally exciting black and white (grey) images which show exquisite detail.  One such image taken in March was the Cone Nebula, which showed the more extensive nature of the HII-region as well as the Cone and Fox Fur Nebulae (below).

Picture saved with settings embedded.

With the passing of winter’s narrowband targets by the end of February, I moved on to broadband imaging in March.  Of all the DSO features, I am perhaps most fascinated by globular clusters but had previously obtained mixed results with a DSLR camera.  Using the CMOS based ZWO1600 mono camera, I was now able to obtain much noticeably better colour and detail of these exciting but enigmatic objects (see Favourite Images section for M13 & below for M3).

M3 LRGB Crop (Large)

I can be put-off by some of the more technical requirements associated with astrophotography and, I‘m ashamed to say, that my approach is first to – ignore it, then maybe undertake some research but do nothing, then consciously put it off again and then, when there’s absolutely no alternative – give it a try.  I am not a technophobe, quite the opposite, but often find technology and the people who design and write about it unclear to the point of making no sense sometimes or at least misleading; it seems  somewhat paradoxical that I even got onto astrophotography given these issues! Notwithstanding, when I eventually summon the courage to tackle such problems, almost always I get it to work, eventually.  Such has been the case with Plate Solving this year.

With sight lines limited by houses, hedges and tall trees to the east, south and west, I’ve hitherto had to make do with average imaging windows of up to 2-hours, either to the east or west of the Meridian and depending on the object’s declination – a lower levels  the Meridian view is itself hidden by two tall trees, obscuring up to 30o vertically and 10o either side.  Naturally these constraints limit the image integration times severely, with an inevitable impact on the quality of images, notably with higher noise, less colour and detail.  The answer of course is plate solving and during February this year I finally bit the proverbial bullet.

Since changing to the ZWO 1600MM-Cool camera I have used Astro Photography Tool (APT) for image capture and camera control, with great success.  The software is quite comprehensive and it is excellent to use, though like most software can be a little idiosyncratic in places.  This is the point where I either give-up, try other software or, as is the case with APT, turn to their excellent product Forum.  Armed with the APT manual and answers from the Forum, I soon managed to plate solve and obtain images of the Leo Triplet over two consecutive nights, which subsequently aligned and stacked well – at last!


For the past year or more I’d been thinking about the possibility of moving the observatory to the end of the back garden during the spring and summer period, so as to provide a platform from which to view the northern sky, which as previously mentioned is otherwise completely obscured by my house.  The principal issue was how to operate the equipment some 30-metres away?  From the experience of others it seemed that both WiFi and Bluetooth can have big reliability issues and I am always keen to keep it simple, so for now I chose to try and use a long ethernet cable to link the operating / capture computer with a control computer indoors.

I had intended to set-up on the lawn but after I had recently extended the paving around a nearby shed in the corner of the garden, cut back some of the bushes and cleared out the shed it, was obvious that this was a preferable location; the paved base was more stable and provided a dry foundation on which to work but, furthermore, the adjacent shed could house the operating computer.  Despite successful tests indoors using an ethernet cable between the two computers and Teamviewer software, only when the equipment was set-up in position outside did I finally discover it no longer worked; I still don’t know why and the problem remains work in progress (when I can be bothered to look at it again).

Notwithstanding, it was obvious that I could instead comfortably operate the mount and camera myself from the shed and duly set about establishing what has now become Fairvale Observatory South or the Shed Observatory (see photos above); the principal observatory location by the house now becomes Fairvale Observatory North or Patio Observatory. Having established myself at the end of the garden with a not unreasonable view of the north sky over the roof of my house, I eagerly set about imaging some northern classics over the next few months.  Imaging in both narrowband and broadband I was pleased to obtain decent pictures of the Bode & Cigar galaxies and the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula before taking a break in June and July when there’s no astronomical darkness; I have imaged at this time of the year before but it’s sometimes good to take a break.

M81 B (Large)

My very first image of the northern sky M81 Bode & M82 Cigar Galaxies (LRGB)

Now I know the observatory works from this location, I plan to move there sooner in 2019 in order to spend more time with new set-up, hopefully improving on the aforementioned objects as well as trying new ones.  All-in-all the new location was a big success as well as being great fun.  Strangely I was surprised to find that the experience of guiding could be more demanding in the north sky but of course thinking about it more, as the views essentially centre on Polaris on which RA lines converge the tracking needs to be more extreme in order to move the same angular distance when compared to a southward view.  However, anxious not to upset the established settings too much, my set-up was shoddy and, as a result, guiding error was generally poor from this locality.  Next time I’ll pay more attention to this and hopefully achieve better guiding and subs.


After a break of nearly 8-weeks I was eager to get back to the ‘new’ observatory at the bottom of the garden.  Furthermore, much of the summer through into September was dominated by a heatwave which was accompanied by clear skies, night after night!  As a result I was able to get some very encouraging results of the Heart (see Favourite Images section above) and Soul Nebulae and finally, to my surprise, the unusual Bubble Nebula (see image below).

SHO2int3 (Large)


Needless to say, once back at Fairvale Observatory North the clouds rolled in and, furthermore, suitable objects for my equipment are initially sparse at this time of the year.  Since obtaining the ZWO1600MM-Cool camera I’ve concentrated on nebulae and narrowband imaging.  Though I’ve managed a few decent LRGB images, it’s fair to say that there’s room for improvement here and therefore finished the year on M33 the Triangulum Galaxy (see below) and subsequently M45 the Pleiades.  Despite being a good size for my scope it’s become clear to me that M33 is actually a tricky object and I was not satisfied with the final image – again better guiding and longer integration next time will almost certainly help.  However, Pleiades subsequently came out well (see Favourite Images section above) but the delicate interplay of the blue star light and interstellar dust does require careful post-processing.


As it was my birthday and it’s been something of an overdue trip since first conceived in 2015, I travelled to Olly Penrice’s Les Granges Observatory at the beginning of November.  It’s a great set-up and Olly was a real pleasure to work and learn from.  As a somewhat remote location in the Hautes-Alpes region of Provence, when it’s clear the SQM values at Les Granges can exceed 22 and for the first two nights we were able to image M74 the Phantom galaxy in HaLRGB under such conditions using his TEC 140, though following some rain during the day seeing conditions were mixed on the first night.

HaLRGB mosaic (Large)

Unfortunately the clouds had followed me from the UK and for the rest of the time there we were unable to image, though it did allow me to spend some useful and enjoyable time processing with Olly.  Other than processing the M74 image and learning some new techniques, using data previously acquired by Olly and with his help, I was able to compile a wonderful 9-panel HaLRGB widefield mosaic image of the North America Nebula and surrounding region (see above).


Notwithstanding the mixed weather conditions, I was able to obtain my first good, face-on image of a spiral galaxy (see Favourite Images section above), which with some additional subs from Olly’s previous sessions using an 14″ ODK scope turned into a truly spectacular image (see below) of this less than popular object.




No Date Type Object Name
1 Jan 2018 DSLR New Zealand


Milky Way, Lenticular Clouds etc. 
2 09/02/18 NB NGC 2244 Rosette Nebula
3 11/02/18 NB NGC 2264 Cone Nebula
4 11/02/18 BB M44 Beehive Cluster
5 11/02/18 NB Abell 21 Medusa Nebula
6 11/02/18 BB NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula
7 24/02/18 NB IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula
8 24/02/18 BB Moon  
9 19/04/18 BB M65 + M66 Leo Triplet
10 05/05/18 BB M3 Globular Cluster
11 06/05/18 BB M104 Sombrero Galaxy
12 06/05/18 BB M13 Globular Cluster
13 18/05/18 * BB M81 & M82 Bodes & Cigar Galaxies
14 20/05/18 NB NGC 7822 Nebula
15 22/05/18 NB IC 1396 Elephant’s Trunk Nebula
17 16/08/18 * NB IC 1805 Heart Nebula
18 02/09/18 NB IC 1848 Soul Nebula
19 03/09/18 NB NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula
20 09/10/18 BB M33 Triangulum Galaxy
21 28/10/18 BB M33 Triangulum Galaxy
22 2/11/18 BB M74 Phantom Galaxy
23 17/11/18 BB M45 Pleiades
24 18/11/18 BB IC 2118 Witch’s Head Nebula

*multiple evenings                                            Underlined = BAA published


Forbidden Fruit


Soon after embarking on my astrophotography adventure just over two years ago it became apparent that after getting the basics right – polar & star alignment, focus, image capture etc. – the Holy Grail of imaging is increased exposures times, thereby collecting more of those elusive photons that have travelled across the Universe.  The first step to achieving this goal is tracking, which since purchasing my AZ-EQ6 mount in 2015 I have been successfully improving over time, on a good day achieving 180-second exposures and from time-to-time resulting in some decent images.  However, the light from DSOs is often very feint and can require much longer times, which is easier said than done.

At the same time as acquiring the aforesaid mount and a William Optics GT81 telescope I also purchased a William Optics 50mm guide scope, with which I intended to start guiding and thus push exposures above my 3-minute barrier.  Despite these aspirations, through a combination of events and my unease about the apparent difficulty of guiding, the guide scope has remained unused – until now.  Having recently purchased a dedicated Starlight Express Lodestar X2 guide camera, I have finally been emboldened enough to give it a try.


Starlight Express Lodestar x2 Guide Camera can be used either via the mount’s ST4 port or via ASCOM and the computer for pulse guiding.

I initially struggled to set up the guide scope and get the guide camera working together.  In particular obtaining focus proved very difficult; like the GT81 the guide scope focus turns out to be achieved within a very short distance that is measured in fractions of millimetres, which in this case required the insertion of an extension tube.


Reminiscent of the Space Shuttle on its Boeing 747 transport plane! The William Optics 50mm guide scope + Lodestar X2 guide camera neatly mounted atop the GT81 imaging scope using the integral rings.

Thereafter the big challenge, which I had previously avoided, was to start using the very popular PDH guiding software; Push Here Dummy (PHD) is named tongue-in-cheek by its original creator Craig Stark and is an amazing but somewhat intimidating piece of software.



The principle is simple – find a star within the FOV and use it as a fixed reference point from which to assess and then correct small tracking errors in order to achieve better tracking, which thereby maintains pinpoint accuracy and enables longer exposure times, thus avoiding trailing of the sky and the objects being imaged.  Its use is regarded as something of a dark art but I have finally grasped the nettle with some success.  After months of clouded skies followed by an almost fatal equipment failure (see here for more), a period of exceptionally good weather and clear skies since late August provided the ideal opportunity to get to grips with this challenge that has so far eluded me.

At first I used a couple of sessions to overcome some past problems and ensure that everything was stable and worked well for basic tracking and imaging, in particular:

  • Repair and improve the imaging camera’s AC/DC adapter lead;
  • Where possible improve all other leads and connections – once bitten …..!  In this respect I have significantly re-arranged and tidied up the many power, control and camera leads, which has included the addition of right-angle USB / mini-USB camera connectors that now makes plugging-in easier and produces less strain on the connections i.e. more secure.  Simple, cheap and something I should have undertaken long ago;
  • Revisit EQMOD-ASCOM in order to achieve more robust tracking – especially reviewing the star alignment procedures;
  • Fit the guide scope using the rings incorporated onto the GT81 OTA, subsequently re-balancing the equipment and improve the mount’s feet positioning.

At this point I spent a couple of nights just playing with the equipment and in particular EQMOD-ASCOM, so as to obtain the best possible alignment; having suffered an enforced absence from imaging I just wanted to have some fun again too.  At the end of this process, first using SynScan for polar alignment before switching to EQMOD-ASCOM + Cartes du Ciel for star alignment, I successfully produced a good 10-star alignment model which was then saved for future use.  The resulting images already showed some improvement but I still had to tackle PHD.  With unusually good weather I decided to leave the final set-up outside under cover, thus preserving the settings for a shot at the aforementioned task of guiding next time.  In the interim I then needed to read the operating instructions and watch numerous videos on the use of PHD.


EQMOD-ASCOM 10-point alignment model. With an obstructed view of the northern sky by my house, all points are inevitably located in the southern quadrants.

Like so much of amateur astronomy, I will forever be grateful for the time and effort given by others to help those like me pursue our hobby.  The material, videos and responses to my forum queries on guiding have as usual been nothing short of outstanding and very, very helpful.  It’s still been difficult to get going but without the help and support of others it would be a complete non-starter.  In this respect I’d like to pay credit to SGL and the Open PHD Guiding forums.

Armed with this knowledge I have since undertaken a few sessions using PHD2 with reasonable success, achieving exposure times of 5-minutes and more.  Changing conditions and different objects make it necessary to continually finesse guide settings throughout the night and between nights and it’s already obvious that there’s much more to learn.  Such adjustments are not always linear or empirical in nature and will often only come from gut feel (experience).

I have chosen to use ASCOM pulse guiding, though my equipment also has ST4-ports which I had initially intended to use due to its apparent simplicity.  I am unable to argue the pros and cons of each method but there seems to be an overwhelming preference for pulse.  What I do understand (I think) are the greater subtleties that can be obtained with the pulse guiding technique and in particular, the co-ordination it provides with ASCOM, thereby ensuring PHD and the mount communicate with each other to provide essential directional information as well as guiding.  I am still investigating the impact of various BRAIN settings but through trial-and-error have progressed since my first guiding session.


First Pass: early guiding results 30th August 2016


Getting better: most recent guiding results 12th September 2016

Calibration of PHD is frustratingly slow and it seems that even after successfully completing the RA-procedure can still fail during the subsequent DEC / backlash clearance.  After calibration use of the PHD Guide Assistant can then provide more help in achieving the best settings for the given set-up and conditions, though it is also very slow.  However, once completed PHD is fantastic and so far has run well during the night, even when changing objects.  Furthermore, I’ve also studied and experimented with the PHD Drift Align tool and am hopeful that by using this I may soon be able to both dispense with SynScan altogether and improve polar alignment, hitherto my imagining nemesis as I cannot see Polaris from my location – a very exciting prospect – what’s not to like?

Starting a sequence of experimentation I chose a familiar but hitherto difficult DSO object to image that should benefit from longer exposures.  Having by now reached late-summer / early autumn, there were a few old favourites around such as the Veil and North America nebulae but for these trials I decided to go for the low hanging fruit of M27 or Apple Core nebula AKA Dumbbell nebula.


My previous image of M27 in August 2014!

With limited success I imaged this planetary nebula in my early days of astrophotography but with its 8.0’ x 5.6’ size and apparent magnitude of +7.5, I found it difficult to obtain good detail and colour.  However, even without guiding the improved set-up and alignment produced better results at 3-minutes and with +5-minute guided exposures the images immediately showed very noticeable improvement.

The images were taken on four different nights starting on 23rd August and finished on 8th September, during which time the sky was clear and the weather warm with very low humidity, though by the end seeing conditions had started to deteriorate due to the impact of the emerging 1st quarter Moon.  All images have been cropped to the same size of 700 x 500 pixels or 2% of the original FOV i.e. an object size of about 0.20%!  Given this very small size M27 really is at the limit of the GT81 telescope.


Strictly speaking the images are not fully comparable as the aggregate exposure times are not equal but nonetheless I think the results demonstrate the positive impact of guiding. The final two images are guided but do show greater star distortion, particularly at 8-minutes.  I suspect this may be due to the period over which the mount was left outside and would probably have benefited from some alignment tweaking before imaging re-commenced – lesson learned; the severe cropping ratio has also magnified any problems that would probably be less obvious in a larger widefield image.  There’s obviously room for improvement but I’m very happy with these early results which I can hopefully now build on.

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M27 Apple Core Nebula – my first and favourite guided image | William Optics GT81 + 50mm guide scope & 10-point EQMOD-ASCOM star alignment model | modded Canon 550D + field flattener & Starlight Express Lodestar X2 guide camera | 3 x 300 secs @ ISO 1,600 & full calibration, 3.3% cropped image| 30th August 2016

Unfortunately there is some downside to the longer exposures obtained from Fairvale Observatory: potentially more aircraft tracks and cloud plus more extended imaging time is unavoidable but overall it is, as expected, a major leap forwards for my astrophotography.  There’s still much to learn and improve with the technique but for now I am delighted to say that after nearly two years I am at last successfully guiding  – would you Adam & Eve it?

The Eagle Has Landed

“It is never wise to let a piece of 
electronic equipment know that you are in a hurry” (Murphy’s Law)

Following months of unusually protracted cloud cover during the winter and a short, though productive imaging period that can be measured in weeks, I have been unable to carry out any astrophotography since early May, when for inexplicable reasons everything went pear-shaped!  The problem started on the 9th May and it’s taken me 3-months to solve!  This and other events have therefore resulted in a noticeable paucity of WTSM activity – sorry.

After an earlier successful dry-run with the equipment in preparation for Mercury’s solar transit, a few days later at the very moment the transit started when I switched on the camera, Cartes du Ciel and EQMOD-ASCOM froze and, despite my best efforts, could not be restarted i.e. no images.  With the next transits not due until 2019 and thereafter 2032, this was a missed opportunity at best but as subsequent efforts failed to rectify the problem I’ve reached moments of despair.

I have used the same equipment and software successfully for nearly two years, in particular assigning the same USB COM-ports to avoid potential conflicts; experience of others shows ASCOM can be particularly fickle with the assignment of a COM port.  After some discussion via the EQMOD Yahoo forum group there was consensus that the problem was probably a software conflict or driver issue.  Somehow this didn’t seem right to me given the background described but with no alternative ideas I reluctantly set out to clean up the laptop and update all relevant software and drivers: ASCOM, Cartes du Ciel, EOS Utility etc.  Unfortunately there was no improvement, so I checked and checked again, including all connections and wires but with no success.

I had only queried the problem with the EQMOD Yahoo group convinced that this was where the problem existed and these were after all the experts.  With by now the limited darkness of summertime  nights upon us, despair setting in and my daughter’s wedding to attend to, I put everything aside for a few weeks: (a) for practical reasons, and (b) in order to restore some enthusiasm – hopefully.  At this point, somewhat late in the day, I decided to post a query on Stargazers Lounge; can’t think why I didn’t try before but there you go – the experience and help on SGL has almost always been very helpful and positive.

Almost immediately ‘Smudgeball (AKA Neil) from Scotland responded with a similar experience that turned out to be a very small break in the DSLR mains adapter insulation.  On inspection I could find no such damage to my adapter but it was worth a try, though holiday travel then delayed acquiring a replacement for another few weeks.  Immediately on my return I obtained a new adapter which on testing indoors with the equipment produced a successful outcome – BINGO!  Soon after I was able to get outside once again and at last undertake some astrophotography, phew.  Despite my resolve and perseverance there have been times I’ve really felt like giving up completely and I am still getting over the frustration of these drawn out events.


AC/DC DSLR power adapter: How can something as basic as this cause so much disruption?

Whilst this was going on I did manage to carry out some planetary observing – with Jupiter, Mars and Saturn all around it was too good to miss.  For a while I have been aware that astrophotography has been distracting me from looking at the night sky itself; it seems strange but you get so tied-up with imaging and forget to look up – I hope to avoid this trap in the future.  Unfortunately the re-awakening of my observing interest only served to highlight the poor quality and range of some of my eyepieces.

After some research and another query on SGL I purchased an Explore Scientific 20mm 68o Maxvision eyepiece, which I thought would fit well in between my existing 32mm and 6mm eyepieces. The Maxvision is very well made but like many high-end eyepieces nowadays is quite bulky. However, the eyepiece has an unusual rubber twist-up eyecup, which though ingenious limits eye relief for those, such as myself, wearing spectacles and narrows the field-of-view.  As a result I exchanged the Maxvison eyepiece for Explore Scientific 5-element 20mm and 10mm 70o eyepieces, which provide much better eye relief and is therefore more suitable for my circumstances.  At this time I have not used either of these but as they are more conventional in design, with good access to the top lens for viewing, I am very hopeful they will do a good job.

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Explore Scientific 20mm eyepiece – good access to the wide angle top lens element provides good eye relief and full use of 70 degree FOV

I routinely watch second-hand equipment on the SGL and UK Astronomy Buy & Sell websites, which has resulted in some timely purchases in the past, including my modded Canon 550D camera and Vixen Polarie.  From experience I find it pays to know exactly what you might be looking for and what a good price might be, in order to act quickly if necessary.  There is great demand for popular items such as the Polarie which tend to go very quickly.  Buoyed by much positive online comments I was recently lucky to see and successfully acquire a Tele Vue 2.5x Powermate, just 3-minutes after it was posted!  I’ve only had brief use so far but it’s already obvious that this is an excellent piece of kit; being parfocal vignetting is eliminated and with great optics it’s noticeably a quantum improvement on a Barlow.

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Additions to the family: Explore Scientific 10mm & 20mm eyepieces and 2.5x Powermate

With the return of astronomical darkness on July 20th and the prospect of Fairvale Observatory able to function again, I have been keen to get back out.  Imaging targets are mixed at this time of the year but I’ve just managed to bag three exciting new objects.  The so-called Pillars of Creation are perhaps the iconic image of modern astronomy, inevitably captured best by the Hubble telescope.  These towering columns of illuminated cosmic dust are situated within M16 or Eagle Nebula, in the constellation of Serpens, which at this time of the year is located low in the southern sky, just above the ecliptic at about 25o – not an ideal but too tantalising not to give it a try.


At 7-arcseconds in size and +6.0 apparent magnitude, the Eagle is a decent target for the William Optics GT81.  Unfortunately as it’s been some time since the last session and my old nemesis of polar alignment wasn’t too good on this occasion, which combined with its low altitude and lack of guiding was always going to be a challenge.  Notwithstanding I manged to get a reasonable sequence of images that show the shape of the ‘bird’ and even the general nature of the Pillars at the centre of the nebula, though inevitably exposures were short and minor star trails are evident.

M16 Stacked 070816cropL2GX2SLpcrop copy

M16 The Eagle Nebula: William Optics GT81 & modded Canon 550D + FF | 15 x 180 sec @ ISO 1,600 + darks | 7th August 2016

M16 Stacked 070816cropL2GX2SLpcropinverse copytxt

After all the trauma of the past few months it was a satisfying result and later that night I was able to capture two more interesting objects, more of which another time – watch this space.   It’s fair to say that for now the eagle had in more than one way well and truly landed, though given the preceding difficulties and eventual solution it was more like Apollo 13 than 11!


Talk The Talk

“He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.” 1903, George Bernard Shaw

At the end of last year I was contacted by a member of the Aperture Club, a photography group based in Purely – Surrey, who had come across this website and asked if I could give a presentation to the club’s members on astrophotography.  Ordinarily I might have rejected the request – after all what do I know about astrophotography after only 18-months – but then again why not? Once I sat down and compiled some initial thoughts it was surprising just how far I had come and learnt already, albeit with still a long way to go.  In the end I agreed and decided to take a two-fold approach to the talk: (i) a basic overview of astrophotography, and (ii) in this context my personal journey so far.

TTT Cover

The final structure adopted was like this, which I hoped would be both technically and aesthetically engaging and provide some insight into the challenges for astrophotography when compared to their day-to-day terrestrial pursuits:

  • Types of astrophotography
  • Astrophotography Methods
  • Light
  • Telescopes
  • Imaging
  • Cameras
  • Image Capture
  • Processing
  • Post Processing

I gave my talk to the club at the end of March, which lasted about 1-hour and I believe was well received; there was a good turn-out and subsequent Q&A session – which is always a good sign.  I had also been asked to compile some related tasks for the members to undertake afterwards and after a break presented a second, shorter talk on some possible assignments.  Copies of the talks can be accessed via the links here:

Astro Lecture PDF

Astro Assignments PDF

I would not be so arrogant to undertake such a presentation to other astrophotographers, at least not yet, but enjoyed introducing members of the Aperture Club to my hobby.  Furthermore, through compiling the presentations I benefited from the process, which required me to think and understand the subjects more thoroughly than I might otherwise have done, making me think that Shaw was wrong.  Good teaching requires a good understanding of the subject, the skill to impart that knowledge to the audience and the ability to apply the knowledge. I’ve previously walked the walk and in this instance I’d like to think I was able to talk the talk – I found the experience rewarding and I hope members of The Aperture Club did too?





Nocturnal Safari

night eyes

Asterisms of the night sky have long been the basis for astronomy, navigation, astrology, myths, general stories and even religion.  Whilst over millennia their shapes inevitably change, on the scale of human life there is an element of permanence and certainty.  With so many stars it is not difficult to ‘join-the-dots’ in order to arrive at a recognisable shape, thereby making identification easier.  Simplest amongst these are the seasonal often geometric asterisms such as the Summer Triangle, Winter Hexagon and The Plough or Big Dipper.  However, it is the 88 constellations that dominate our definition and description of the night sky.


Computer based planetarium usually trace the relevant shapes and often the underlying historical figures from which they were originally derived – though frankly in some cases these can be quite spurious and even misleading.  Of the total constellations: 17 depict humans or mythological figures, 29 inanimate objects and a whopping 42 animals – the night sky might literally be described as something of a zoo!

Despite my cynicism the patterns can be very helpful when initially learning the night sky, as well as for navigating and descriptive purposes.  When starting out in astronomy I deliberately did not purchase a GoTo mount in order to first better master the geography of the night’s celestial sphere.  For this purpose I purchased a planisphere and to a degree (no pun intended) it did initially help but with so many stars, light pollution and the odd cloud it wasn’t always easy when it came to essential star identification and alignment.  I am sure I will forever benefit from the effort but this is 2016 and inevitably I have succumbed to using Google Sky  on my smartphone to identify or at least confirm a star’s identity.  Equally inevitable, I now use an AZ-EQ6 GoTo mount, which when linked to the Cartes du Ciel planetarium software is a quick and powerful combination for locating and tracking objects.

As previously discussed, this winter has been unusually cloudy but I recently managed a rare though decent imaging session in which I was able to capture night animals of a different sort.  Probably like most astronomers I find the mid-winter night sky to be the highlight of the year, making the aforementioned seeing problems all the more frustrating.  I have already imaged various parts of everyone’s favourite, the Orion constellation and so this time was looking for alternative objects in a similar region that would be suitable for the William Optics GT81.  Whilst I find many if not most of the star asterisms unconvincing, there’s no denying that some of the DSO shapes really do look like animals and this time I found two.


NGC 2174 or the Monkey Head Nebula is located within the Milky Way, between Orion’s club and Castor’s left foot.  An HII emission nebula, with an apparent magnitude of +6.8 and 40’ apparent dimension, it was a good target and a very convincing monkey’s head.  Closer inspection of the image shows another smaller HII nebula north above NGC 2174 called Sh2-247, that is not only connected to the monkey but they are both part of the even larger GEM OB-1 molecular cloud complex which covers a massive region of 570 x 770 light-years!

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NGC 2174 & Sh2-247 nebula above.  WO GT81 & modded Canon 550D + FF | 20 x 180 sec @ ISO 1,600 | 10th February 2016

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NGC 2174 The Monkey Head Nebula, cropped & inverted

In addition, situated between the constellations of Canis Major and Monoceros  is IC 2177 the Seagull Nebula, which is also within the Milky Way but ‘flying’ lower than the Monkey Head Nebula to the left (south-east) of the Orion.  More than 2.5o from wing to wing, a number of bright star clusters are associated with this emission nebula, notable of which is the ‘bird’s head’ designated NGC 2327;  IC 2177 is also known as the Parrot’s Head Nebula, which given the form of NGC 2327 I’m inclined to prefer.

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IC 2177 The Seagull Nebula. WO GT81 & modded Canon 550D + FF | 20 x 180 sec @ ISO 1,600 | 10th February 2016

I’ve previously imaged a number of other animal-like DSO objects: Jellyfish Nebula, Crab Nebula, Pelican Nebula and the famous Horsehead Nebula.  Unlike the constellations they generally but not always, really do resemble the form their names imply.  Now adding to this list the Monkey Head and Seagull (Parrot) Nebulae it sometimes seems like a safari rather than astronomy!

Sky Animalscrop


It’s all in the stars


After 24-weeks I have just completed Imagining Other Earths, a Coursera MOOC presented by David Spergel, Charles A. Young Professor of Astronomy at Princeton University – soon to become Director of the new Computational Centre of Astrophysics, NY – and cannot speak too highly of the course.  In my quest to better understand what I am seeing and imaging, I have participated in five astronomy courses and this is by a country mile the best; how many country miles in a parsec I wonder?  There was very little not covered about astronomy in the course, including related geology and life itself but it was outstanding for three reasons:

  • Frequent use of easy-to-understand equations to explain and link various processes responsible for the Universe and everything in it;
  • It is very comprehensive, thorough and well produced, and…
  • David’s lecturing is just very good – easy to understand and well delivered.

For some while now the trend in my astrophotography has been increasingly directed towards seeing the big picture and by coincidence the course followed a similar scientific theme in order to Imagine Other Earths throughout the Universe; a metaphor for life itself and possibilities across the Universe.


The ultimate question starts at the beginning – where do we come from?  Moby and astrophysicists seem to have the answer: we are all made of stars.  How we get from that to here may be an even bigger question and like the philosophers in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looking for the meaning of life (answer = 42!), should keep many astrophysicists gainfully employed for aeons.


In the meantime there is strong evidence that we do indeed come from stars and their evolution through the process of nucleosynthesis, which is responsible for all but a few man-made elements that we find on Earth.  Through the action of nuclear fusion a star burns its way through the periodic table, first from hydrogen to helium then carbon-oxygen-magnesium-silicon and eventually iron.  Thereafter the other, heavier elements require even more extreme conditions – heat & pressure – that can only be found in the late or final stage of a star’s life such as a Super Nova.


When the Periodic Table was initially formulated in 1863 by Dimitri Mendeleev there were 53 elements, which through subsequent discovery have now grown to 118.  I find it wonderful and exciting that almost all of these can be attributed to stellar evolution, which can be viewed and imaged in the night sky.


At this time of the year the Milky Way is a dominant feature passing across the winter night sky which provides numerous, sometimes spectacular objects that are favourable for imaging.  Located close to the western edge of the Milky Way in the constellation of Auriga about 1,500 light-years from Earth, is IC 405 or Flaming Star Nebula and nearby (visually) IC 410 or Tadpole Nebula, itself at 12,000 light-years distance.   Located across the central area between these objects is a star field, notable of which and actually within the IC 405 is the O-type blue variable star of AE Aurigae, that is responsible for illuminating the nebulae.


IC 405 is formed of two sections, consisting of an emission and reflection nebula. Radiation from the variable star AE Aurigea, that is located in the lower part of upper-east (left) lobe, excites the hydrogen gas of the nebula which then glows red, while carbon-rich dust also creates a blue reflection from the same star.

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IC 405 (right)-The Flaming Star Nebula inc AE Aurigae varibale star & IC 405-The Tadpole Nebula: WO GT81 & modded Canon 550D + FF | 15 x 180 sec @ ISO 1,600 & full calibration | 8th December 2015

Located within the nebula IC 410 and partly responsible for its illumination is an open cluster of massive young stars, NGC 1893.  Being just 4-million years old these bright star clusters are the site of new star formation and therefore are just starting their creation of new elements.  The so named ‘tadpoles’ are filaments of cool gas and dust about 10 light-years long.

IC 410Canotate (Large)

IC 410-The Tadpole Nebula: Illuminated from within by the NGC 1839 star cluster.  Image cropped and forced to highlight the two ‘tadpoles’, which can just be seen indicated in the green ellipses (‘tails’ upwards)

Each nebula is large, respectively 30’ x 20’ and 40’ x 30’, with an apparent magnitude of +6.0, which combined with the star AE Aurigae makes an excellent target for the William Optics GT81.  I find it thrilling to consider the processes taking place in these objects that I have captured in the photograph, which surely represents the ultimate Big Picture?